Check out our publications and observational programs.

You can find our referred publications at the link below, and our observational programs.!type%3Daqp%20v%3D%24fq_database%7D&fq=%7B!type%3Daqp%20v%3D%24fq_property%7D&fq_database=(database%3Aastronomy%20OR%20database%3Aphysics)&fq_property=(property%3A%22refereed%22)&p_=0&q=*%3A*%20abs%3A%22GATOS%22&sort=date%20desc%2C%20bibcode%20desc
Major Observational Programs
Dust in the Wind: testing a new paradigm for the nature of AGN feedback (Cycle 1, ID. #2064). PI: David Rosario, Co-PI: Sebastian Hönig and Leonard Burtscher
Closing in on the launching sites of AGN outflows (Cycle 1, ID. #1670). PI: Thomas Shimizu
First spatially resolved characterization of the warm molecular torus in the Circinus galaxy (Cycle 2, ID #4225). PI: Takuma Izumi
Unveiling the AGN-host connection with PAH molecules (Cycle 2, ID #3535). PI: Ismael García Bernete, Co-PI: Dimitra Rigopoulou
Hunting the Kinetic Mode Feedback of AGNs via PAH Features (Cycle 3, ID #4972). PI: Lulu Zhang
AGN and their outflows: probing fragmentation and survival of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Cycle 3, ID #5017). PI: Ismael García Bernete, Co-PI: Almudena Alonso-Herrero and Dimitra Rigopoulou
Nuclear cold molecular gas, star formation and the dusty torus of nearby Seyfert galaxies (2016.1.00254.S). PI: Almudena Alonso Herrero
Molecular tori in Seyfert galaxies (2017.1.0082.S, 2018.1.00113.S). PI: S. García-Burillo
Resolving the molecular tori and nuclear outflows in the most luminous Seyferts in the local Universe (2019.1.00618.S). PI: Almudena Alonso Herrero
Dissecting molecular tori of Seyfert galaxies (2019.1.00613.S). PI: S. García-Burillo
Diffuse cold atomic gas in Seyfert galaxies: to reveal multi-phase nature of AGN obscuration (2019.1.01447.S). PI: T. Izumi
Resolving the magnetic field in the torus of NGC1068 (2021.01183.S). PI: Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez
The many faces of molecular tori of Seyfert galaxies under the ALMA `microscope' (2021.1.00370.S). PI: S. García-Burillo
Revealing the magnetic field towards the core of the Circinus galaxy (2022.1.00222.S). PI: Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez
Tracing the magnetic fields within the central parsec of the Circinus galaxy using water masers (2022.1.00371.S). PI: Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez
Anatomy of molecular tori of Seyfert galaxies (2022.1.00089.S). PI: S. García-Burillo
SOFIA/ALMA Survey of Active galaxies (08_0014) PI: Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez
Characterizing the turn-over of the clumpy torus of Active Galactic Nuclei (06_0066) PI: Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez
Resolving the ionized outflows of nearby Seyfert galaxies with GTC/MEGARA (GTC39-19A, GTC27-19B). PI: Almudena Alonso Herrero
Tracing young stellar populations in the central regions of active galaxies: mid-infrared versus optical integral field spectroscopy (GTC72-23A). PI: Cristina Ramos Almeida.
Tracing the ionised gas phase of low-power jet-ISM interaction with GTC/MEGARA (GTC93-23A). PI: Enrica Bellocchi