Here you will find the most recent updates on what we are doing.
Recent Updates:
29 Feb 2024: Two GATOS proposals for JWST GO3 have been approved!
Jan 22-26 2024: GATOS meeting, Madrid
10 May 2023: Two GATOS proposals for JWST GO2 have been approved!
30 March 2021: Two GATOS proposals for JWST GO1 have been approved!
23 Jul 2019: ALMA proposal to observe the GATOS AGNs has been accepted!
14-15 Oct 2019: GATOS meeting, Tenerife
Jun 2019: GATOS proposal "Resolving the ionized outflows in local Seyfert galaxies with GTC/MEGARA" accepted for cycle 2019B
Jan 2019: GATOS proposal "Resolving the ionized outflows in local Seyfert galaxies with GTC/MEGARA" accepted for cycle 2019A
Sep 2017: Next GATOS meeting announced: University of Oxford (15 - 17 January 2018)
Summer 2017: GATOS ALMA Cycle 5 proposal accepted (PI: S. García-Burillo)
Press Releases:
Monstre cosmique: James Webb capture un trou noir supermassif à 70 millions d'années-lumière, Science&Vie
JWST unveils the structure of dust near a supermassive black hole, Newcastle University Press Office